BURNING UP – An audio play on the death of Ingeborg Bachmann in Rome

Reports – Memories – Conjectures
on the death of Ingeborg Bachmann

in Rome

An audio play by Susanne Ayoub

TONSPUREN Sunday 17 April 8:15 p.m. and DA CAPO Tuesday 19 April 4:05 p.m.
+ available for 7 days on:

Ingeborg Bachmann, Rome 1973. Photo Karl Kofler

“I have to admit, I no longer know why I’m living here. I have to admit, life here is like it is everywhere: someday someone will get married, someone will get a professorship, someone will hang themselves, end up in a mental hospital. Everything will be like everywhere. No Colosseum, no Capitol is going to help you get past it.”

(Ingeborg Bachmann)

Ingeborg Bachmann Rome, Café Greco, 1973. Photo Karl Kofler
Translation Geoffrey C. Howes